Recently, we completed a medical translation project for a client, involving three reports from German clinics. The translation covered four standard pages and was provided at a cost of 1800 Kč. The translation was carried out by MUDr. Schwarz, an experienced Czech physician, ensuring that all medical terminology was accurately and clearly conveyed. The completed translation was delivered to the client on the same evening, allowing for prompt review and further actions.

The reports covered a variety of medical topics, including heart function examinations from a pediatric cardiology clinic. The ECG results and echocardiographic findings provided detailed insights into the patient’s heart condition. Thanks to the translation, the client could easily understand crucial information related to the diagnosis and cardiological evaluations.

Another translated report dealt with the results of a kidney scintigraphy. This examination was conducted to identify potential abnormalities in kidney function. The precise medical terminology used in the original reports was carefully preserved in the Czech translation, ensuring that no critical details were lost in translation.

Additionally, the reports included recommendations for future medical follow-ups, including regular check-ups. These recommendations were also part of the translation, helping the client plan the next steps in her medical care. The timely and accurate translation proved invaluable, allowing the client to respond promptly to the medical advice provided by the German clinics.

Our translation services are designed not only to bridge language barriers but also to ensure that the specific technical language of medical reports is accurately conveyed. This project highlights the importance of precision when translating specialized medical documents.

If you require medical document translations, whether for diagnoses, medical reports, or expert opinions, our Tým lékařských překladatelů is ready to assist you. We guarantee professional, reliable translations delivered promptly.

Contact us: Academical Team s.r.o. – Certified Translations
Náměstí Přátelství 1518/2
102 00, Prague – Hostivař
IČ: 05273919
DIČ: CZ 05273919
Phone: +420 608 666 582